salted pistachio, rose and cacao nib dark chocolate bark

What’s pink, green and brown all over? Salted pistachio, rose and cacao nib dark chocolate bark!

I usually find January the dullest, most depressing month of the year. The joy of Christmas is fading, the weather is grey and cold and summer seems so far away. This year I have tried to completely change up my outlook and reap the benefits of the first month of a new year. As I’m sure most of you can agree, December was waaayy too indulgent. Much wine, many cocktails. Guests, fancy dinners, cheese boards galore, desserts left right and centre.

It all takes its toll, whether mentally, physically or both. For me, the end result of so much indulgence leaves me feeling sluggish and down. My body is craving exercise and greens and fresh, vibrant flavours. However, cutting out all the “good stuff” is not the best approach. I’m not going to come at you with some long seminar on dieting and nutrition. Instead, I offer you chocolate. For me, when I am trying to cut back a little and eat better, I find that a square or two of dark chocolate are the perfect treat to look forward to in the day, and to satisfy my sweet tooth with.

Combine the dark chocolate with a few beneficial toppings, and your go-to snack is complete! For this chocolate bark I used pistachios and rose petals for their gorgeous colour combo. A sprinkle of cacao nibs adds some extra texture and the sea salt… well… need I say more? It really enhances the flavour of the chocolate and balances out the flavour profile. Mmmmmm.

Ideal as a mid-morning pick me up with a strong coffee, or a 4pm treat. Or, if you’re anything like me, the last thing you eat before bed in the evenings. Or any time throughout the day really. There’s never a bad time for chocolate. This recipe makes plenty of chocolate bark so feel free to offer some up round the office. I’m sure people will love you for brightening up a dull January afternoon! Wrap it up and give it as a gift, or keep it all to yourself in your nightstand. I won’t judge you.


  • Serves: 4 plenty for snacking!
  • Time:
    • Prep: 2 mins
    • Cook: 10 mins
    • Passive: 1 hr


  • 12 oz dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)
  • 1/4 cup chopped pistachios
  • 1/4 cup cacao nibs
  • 1 tsp flaky sea salt
  • 2 tsp dried rose petals


  1. Begin by chopping the chocolate into small pieces. I find this easiest with a big chefs knife. Separate the chocolate into a rough 1/3 and 2/3 portions. Tip the 2/3 into a heatproof bowl set over a pan of hot water.
  2. Make sure the water is not touching the bottom of the bowl, and set the pan over a low heat. Use this “double boiler” method to melt the chocolate, stirring occasionally.
  3. Line a baking sheet with either a silicone mat or some baking parchment and whip out your candy thermometer. When the chocolate is all melted and has reached about 120f, remove the bowl from the pan and tip in the remaining 1/3 chocolate.
  4. Stir to combine until all the chocolate has melted. Leave to cool for 10 minutes. When the chocolate has cooled slightly and thickened a little, pour it out onto the lined baking sheet.
  5. Sprinkle with the toppings and leave to set somewhere cool. This will take about 40 minutes. When completely hardened, break into pieces of desired size.


Feel free to play around with the toppings! Some other possibilities include:

  • dried goji berries
  • dried cranberries
  • granola
  • flaked almonds
  • candied ginger
  • shredded coconut
  • hemp seeds
  • chia seeds
Written on January 13, 2018